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  • Couv-REIMP-Apocalypse-ENG

Tapestry of the Apocalypse

2023 – nº 127
46 pages
Format : 120 x 170 mm
ISBN : 979-10-93572-94-9

Text : Francis Muel

Photographs : Patrice Giraud
and François Lasa


The Château of Angers is proud to exhibit the Apocalypse Tapestry, the largest and most famous masterpiece of medieval tapestry weaving. The dazzling and mysterious visions of the Revelation to St John, expressed in the 14th century in monumental images of great visual beauty, demand admiration. This book, designed as a guide for the visitor, is illustrated by the most beautiful details of the reverse side of the tapestry, which has preserved the intensity of the original colours. The guide contains a full presentation of the front side of the tapestry’s surviving sections.

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